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How to execute command in bash / php script?

I am super new to web server developing and I have this server in which I want to run a bash script on a PHP script. Basically, I have this HTML file and when I click this button, it opens a online terminal, courtesy of ttyd . To start the terminal, I have to run:

ttyd -p 8080 bash

So far this is in my HTML page:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <form action="/terminal/terminal.php">
            <input type="submit" value="Server Command Line Terminal">

My PHP script is shown here:


And this is my bash script:


eval 'ttyd -p 8080 bash'

So far, when I go to the site, the terminal will not open, I have tried many solutions and none them have worked, I just get a timed out response from the server, I have also tried echo 'ttyd -p 8080 bash' but that does not work either.

The problem lies in the bash script. For anybody who wants to make a .sh script executable, do the following:

chmod +x file.sh

This solved my problem and now everything works fine.

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