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Issue with if and else statement in a loop

Hi I'm having an issue checking through a list codes that are stored in a temp dictionary and matching ones that exist and if one doesn't exist then print/await a different result. I'm doing this by comparing the uses for each invite before the user joined and after they joined.

It seems as if the if statement if invite.uses < find_invite_by_code(invites_after_join, invite.code).uses: is being ignored and the else statement is being printed/awaited instead for both expired and none expired code. I'm not too sure why this is happening. Help would be appreciated.

I have commented parts of the code for a better understanding.

Here is my code:

invites = {} #temporary dict to store the codes

# A function to find an invite in a guilds.invites() list

def find_invite_by_code(invite_list, code):

# Simply looping through each invite in an
# invite list which we will get using guild.invites()

    for inv in invite_list:
        # Check if the invite code in this element
        # of the list is the one we're looking for
        if inv.code == code:
            # If it is, we return it.
            return inv

async def on_member_join(self, member):
    time = datetime.utcnow()
    users = len([e.name for e in member.guild.members])
    name = member
    name = " ~ ".join((name.name, name.nick)) if name.nick else name.name
    # Getting the invites before the user joining
    # from our cache for this specific guild
    invites_before_join = invites[member.guild.id]
    # Getting the invites after the user joining
    # so we can compare it with the first one, and
    # see which invite uses number increased
    invites_after_join = await member.guild.invites()

    # Loops for each invite we have for the guild
    # the user joined.
    for invite in invites_before_join:

        # Now, we're using the function we created just
        # before to check which invite count is bigger
        # than it was before the user joined.
        if invite.uses < find_invite_by_code(invites_after_join, invite.code).uses:
            # Now that we found which link was used we'll start the embed 
            joinmsg = discord.Embed(title=f'{member.name}#{member.discriminator} has joined', timestamp=time, colour=discord.Color(random.randint(0x000000, 0xFFFFFF)))
            joinmsg.add_field(name="**Account Created:**", value=member.created_at.strftime("%#d %b %Y, at %I:%M%p"), inline=True)
            joinmsg.add_field(name="**Invite:**", value=f"||{invite.code}||", inline=True)
            joinmsg.add_field(name="**Inviter:**", value=f"{invite.inviter}", inline=False)
            joinmsg.set_footer(text=f"Member {users} • User ID: {member.id}")
            await self.bot.send_log_message(member.guild, embed=joinmsg)
            #We use an else statement if a NoneType is returned this would happen if the invite link has expired.
            # Create the embed to be sent
            joinmsg = discord.Embed(title=f'{member.name}#{member.discriminator} has joined', timestamp=time, colour=discord.Color(random.randint(0x000000, 0xFFFFFF)))
            joinmsg.add_field(name="**Account Created:**", value=member.created_at.strftime("%#d %b %Y, at %I:%M%p"), inline=True)
            joinmsg.add_field(name="**Invite:**", value=f"Expired", inline=True)
            joinmsg.set_footer(text=f"Member {users} • User ID: {member.id}")

            await self.bot.send_log_message(member.guild, embed=joinmsg)
            # We will now update our cache so it's ready
            # for the next user that joins the guild
            invites[member.guild.id] = invites_after_join 
            # return to prevent looping when we already got what we want

It looks like something isn't happening quite the way you want it to, I would add a print function before it and print the values of invite.uses and find_invite_by_code(invites_after_join, invite.code).uses and then print the type of them too, if you still can't spot the error, then we'll have a problem

print(invite.uses, find_invite_by_code(invites_after_join, invite.code).uses)
print(type(invite.uses), type(find_invite_by_code(invites_after_join, invite.code).uses))

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