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(React Context Beginner) React Context doesn't stat when changing page using react-rooter-dom

I'm trying to improve my state management skill so I chose to use REACT CONTEXT . I am getting item data from my backend server using axios and storing it in the context.

When I am in /home everything works properly: state updates then component rerenders and everything looks ok. But when I move to /shop and I console.log(items) it returns me an empty array instead of data that I got just before.

Here are my files:


import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
import Nav from './components/navigations/NavBAr/Nav';
import HeaderSlides from './components/slides/header/HeaderSlide';
import Home from './components/Home/Home';
import Footer from './components/footer/Footer';
import { Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';
import Login from './components/Logs/Login/Login';
import { useState } from 'react';
import { ItemProvider } from './context/ItemContext';
import Register from './components/Logs/Register/Register';
import { UserProvider } from './context/UserContext';
import Shop from './components/Shop/Shop';

function App() {

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Route render={({ location }) => (
            <Switch location={location}>
              <Route exact path='/' render={ () => (<Home/>)}/>
              <Route path='/login' component={Login}/>
              <Route path='/register' component={Register}/>
              <Route path='/shop' component={Shop}/>
      )} />

export default App;


import axios from 'axios';
import React, { useState, createContext, useEffect } from 'react';

export const ItemContext = createContext();

export function ItemProvider(props) {
    const [items, setItems] = useState([]);

    return (
        <ItemContext.Provider value={[items, setItems]}>

**Item.js ** call in Home.js context work

import React, { useContext, useEffect } from 'react';

import './Items.css'

import { ItemContext } from '../../../../context/ItemContext'

export default function Items({ toShow }) {

    const [items, setItems] = useContext(ItemContext);
    const data = items
    let stuff;
    if (data.length === 0) {
    } else {
        stuff = data.map((details, i) => {
            const { name, brand, gender, price, image, categorie } = details;
            while (gender === toShow) {
                return (
                    <div id="itemCard1">
                        <div className="itemImgWrap">
                            <img src={image} alt="first image" />
                        <div className="details">
                            <p className="detailsName">{name}</p>
                            <p className="brand">{brand} </p>
                            <p className="gender">{gender}</p>
                            <p className="price">{price}€</p>
    return (
        <div className="productItem">


Views.js call in Shop.js context doesn't work

import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react';

import './Views.css'

import { ItemContext } from '../../../context/ItemContext'

export default function Views() {
    const [items, setItems] =  useContext(ItemContext);
    const data = items
    let stuff;
    if (data.length === 0) {
    } else {
        stuff = data.map((details, i) => {
            const { name, brand, gender, price, image, categorie } = details;
                return (
                    <div id="itemCard1">
                        <div className="itemImgWrap">
                            <img src={image} alt="first image" />
                        <div className="details">
                            <p className="detailsName">{name}</p>
                            <p className="brand">{brand} </p>
                            <p className="gender">{gender}</p>
                            <p className="price">{price}€</p>

    return (
        <div className="viewsContainer">
            <div className="viewsGrid">

So i solved it by using react-router-dom <Link/> .

Given that I wanted to do the routes once my pages are initialized, I was navigating between pages by url, so Context was always clearing and app refreshing witch is not what we want. So I used <Link/> and then it works because <Link/> help you to navigate without refreshing I guess...

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