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rewrite URL and get parameter

at the moment I have this url format:


with php I can access the value like this:

<? echo $_GET['paramter']; ?>

but I would like to rewrite the url to this format:


How can I realize this with a htaccess line and how can I access it with php after rewrite ?

please try this:

$g = $_GET;

$new_str = '';
foreach($g as $key => $value) {
    $new_str .= "$key=$value";

echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ."/". $new_str;

Using the following URL:

http://site.test/i.php?p1=1&p2=2&p3=3 ,

It will return:


Basically this code loops through the $_GET parameters and then grabs the key and the value, turns them into a string and then write a final URL with the string. You can format the output as you wish.


is a pretty strange way of putting values. However, whenever a user enters such URL, you can make sure that the user lands on the correct page via below .htaccess on Apache server

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/?([^=]+)=(.+)$ /?$1=$2 [L,NC,R=302]

Demo: https://htaccess.madewithlove.be?share=53dc007b-3781-4d1d-80c6-5f0234cdf11a

This way, your PHP code is intact and nothing needs to be changed on the backend code. If you wish to make a permanent redirection, make R = 301 .

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