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Arduino Uno: While-loop fails to "restart" using Button to reset Timer when second-pressing?

What the code does:

  1. The code starts off by showing a short "blinking animation", where segments AF turns on and off one at a time.
  2. The "blinking animation" lasts between 3-10 seconds, upon which a timer starts.
  3. The timer counts from 0-99 seconds displayed by Digit 1 & 2. While Digit 3 & 4 shows 10th and 100th, respectively, of a second.
  4. By using the connected button, you can stop the timer by pressing it. Timer stops and shows the time.
  5. By pressing down the button a second time it's supposed to restart the timer and send us back to Step 1.

My problem: when I get to STEP 5 in the code, it won't restart. The problem is linked to the while-loop in the main function caused by, as far as I can see, the second while-loop in the function "stopTimer". Can't make it to exit the loop. At least that's what I've understood from all the numerous unsuccessful tries! Tried adding code with if-statements inside the "stopDisplay" function as well, including break; or return; etc.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>


    - PORT = D
    Segment-A   Pin 1   PD1     0B00000010
    Segment-B   Pin 2   PD2     0B00000100
    Segment-C   Pin 3   PD3     0B00001000
    Segment-D   Pin 4   PD4     0B00010000
    Segment-E   Pin 5   PD5     0B00100000
    Segment-F   Pin 6   PD6     0B01000000
    Segment-G   Pin 7   PD7     0B10000000

    - PORT = B
    Digit 1     Pin 10  PB2     0B00000100
    Digit 2     Pin 11  PB3     0B00001000
    Digit 3     Pin 12  PB4     0B00010000
    Digit 4     Pin 13  PB5     0B00100000

    - PORT = C
    Button      Pin A0  PC0     0B00000001

//Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9  in a array.
int segmentNumberArray[10] = {0B01111110, 0B00001100, 0B010110110, 0B10011110, 0B011001100, 0B11011010, 0B11111010, 0B00001110, 0B11111110, 0B11011110};

//Digit: 1, 2, 3, 4   in a array
int digitArrayOff[4] = {0B00000100, 0B00001000, 0B00010000, 0B00100000};
int digitArrayOn[4] = {0B11111011, 0B11110111, 0B11101111, 0B11011111};

//Blinking animation: segment-E, segment-D, segment-C, segment-G, segment-F, segment-A, segment-B, segment-G
int blinkingArray[8] = {0B00100000, 0B00010000, 0B00001000, 0B10000000, 0B01000000, 0B00000010, 0B00000100, 0B10000000};

long number = 0;
int recentTime;
int digit1, digit2, digit3, digit4;
int stopButton;

void startTimer();
void stopTimer();
void choseDigit(int x);
void showNumberOnDisplay(int x);
void blinkingAnimation();

int main()

  DDRC = 0;
  DDRD = 255;
  DDRB = 0B00111100; //DDRB = 28;


  while (1)
    if (number == 0)
      int randomWaitTime = rand() % 10 + 3; //Calls random number between 3-10
      for (int i = 0; i < randomWaitTime; i++)

      stopButton = 0;

  return 0;

void startTimer()
  PORTD = 0B00000000;                   //Turn ALL segments off
  choseDigit(1);                        //Turn Display 1 on
  showNumberOnDisplay((number / 1000)); //Get value of thousand
  _delay_ms(1);                         //Delay 1 ms

  PORTD = 0B00000000;                         //Turn ALL segments off
  choseDigit(2);                              //Turn Display 2 on
  showNumberOnDisplay((number % 1000) / 100); //Get value of hundred
  _delay_ms(1);                               //Delay 1 ms

  PORTD = 0B00000000;                     //Turn ALL segments off
  choseDigit(3);                          //Turn Display 3 on
  showNumberOnDisplay(number % 100 / 10); //Get value of ten
  _delay_ms(1);                           //Delay 1 ms

  PORTD = 0B00000000;               //Turn ALL segments off
  choseDigit(4);                    //Turn Display 3 on
  showNumberOnDisplay(number % 10); //Get value of single digit
  _delay_ms(1);                     //Delay 1 ms

  if (number == 9999) // Reset number count to 1;
    number = 1;

void stopTimer()
  recentTime = number;
  digit1 = recentTime / 1000;
  digit2 = (recentTime % 1000) / 100;
  digit3 = recentTime % 100 / 10;
  digit4 = recentTime % 10;

  while (stopButton == 0)
    PORTD = 0B00000000;          //Turn ALL segments off
    choseDigit(1);               //Turn Display 1 on
    showNumberOnDisplay(digit1); //Get value of thousand
    _delay_ms(1);                //Delay 1 ms

    PORTD = 0B00000000;          //Turn ALL segments off
    choseDigit(2);               //Turn Display 2 on
    showNumberOnDisplay(digit2); //Get value of hundred
    _delay_ms(1);                //Delay 1 ms

    PORTD = 0B00000000;          //Turn ALL segments off
    choseDigit(3);               //Turn Display 3 on
    showNumberOnDisplay(digit3); //Get value of ten
    _delay_ms(1);                //Delay 1 ms

    PORTD = 0B00000000;          //Turn ALL segments off
    choseDigit(4);               //Turn Display 3 on
    showNumberOnDisplay(digit4); //Get value of single digit
    _delay_ms(1);                //Delay 1 ms

void choseDigit(int x)
  PORTB = 0B11111111;
  switch (x)
  case 1:
    PORTB = digitArrayOn[0]; //Display 1 on

  case 2:
    PORTB = digitArrayOn[1]; //Display 2 on

  case 3:
    PORTB = digitArrayOn[2]; //Display 3 on

  case 4:
    PORTB = digitArrayOn[3]; //Display 4 on

void showNumberOnDisplay(int x)
  switch (x)
  case 1:
    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[1];

  case 2:
    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[2];

  case 3:
    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[3];

  case 4:
    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[4];

  case 5:
    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[5];

  case 6:
    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[6];

  case 7:
    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[7];

  case 8:
    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[8];

  case 9:
    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[9];

    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[0];

void blinkingAnimation()
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    PORTD = blinkingArray[i];

the value of variable stopButton still 0, resulting stopButton == 0 return true. But i think it better to use variable to represent the state.

#define STATE_COUNT 1
#define STATE_STOP 2
int currentState = 1;
  if(currentState == STATE_COUNT && BUTTONPRESSED){
     //do something

     currentState = STATE_STOP;
  if(currentState == STATE_STOP && BUTTONPRESSED){
     //do something

     currentState = STATE_COUNT;


so, my idea is to use STATE to define what code to run. so you can eliminate second while loop.

while (1) {
  if(currentState == STATE_BLINK){
    blink(); //run code 1 time and change state
    currentState = STATE_COUNT;
  if(currentState == STATE_COUNT){
  if(currentState == STATE_STOP){
    stopTimer(); // while loop inside is removed

    //change state here

void stopTimer() {
  recentTime = number;
  digit1 = recentTime / 1000;
  digit2 = (recentTime % 1000) / 100;
  digit3 = recentTime % 100 / 10;
  digit4 = recentTime % 10;

  PORTD = 0B00000000;          //Turn ALL segments off
  choseDigit(1);               //Turn Display 1 on
  showNumberOnDisplay(digit1); //Get value of thousand
  _delay_ms(1);                //Delay 1 ms

  PORTD = 0B00000000;          //Turn ALL segments off
  choseDigit(2);               //Turn Display 2 on
  showNumberOnDisplay(digit2); //Get value of hundred
  _delay_ms(1);                //Delay 1 ms

  PORTD = 0B00000000;          //Turn ALL segments off
  choseDigit(3);               //Turn Display 3 on
  showNumberOnDisplay(digit3); //Get value of ten
  _delay_ms(1);                //Delay 1 ms

  PORTD = 0B00000000;          //Turn ALL segments off
  choseDigit(4);               //Turn Display 3 on
  showNumberOnDisplay(digit4); //Get value of single digit
  _delay_ms(1);                //Delay 1 ms 

void blink(){
 if (number == 0) {
  int randomWaitTime = rand() % 10 + 3; //Calls random number between 3-10
  for (int i = 0; i < randomWaitTime; i++) {

Here is finally a solution to my problem above. Thought I post it in case anyone else runs into a similar problem:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>

#define BUTTONPRESSED PINC &(1 << PC0)

    - PORT = D
    Segment-A   Pin 1   PD1     0B00000010
    Segment-B   Pin 2   PD2     0B00000100
    Segment-C   Pin 3   PD3     0B00001000
    Segment-D   Pin 4   PD4     0B00010000
    Segment-E   Pin 5   PD5     0B00100000
    Segment-F   Pin 6   PD6     0B01000000
    Segment-G   Pin 7   PD7     0B10000000

    - PORT = B
    Digit 1     Pin 10  PB2     0B00000100
    Digit 2     Pin 11  PB3     0B00001000
    Digit 3     Pin 12  PB4     0B00010000
    Digit 4     Pin 13  PB5     0B00100000

    - PORT = C
    Button      Pin A0  PC0     0B00000001

//Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9  in a array
int segmentNumberArray[10] = {0B01111110, 0B00001100, 0B010110110, 0B10011110, 0B011001100, 0B11011010, 0B11111010, 0B00001110, 0B11111110, 0B11011110};

//Digit: 1, 2, 3, 4   in a array
int digitArrayOff[4] = {0B00000100, 0B00001000, 0B00010000, 0B00100000};
int digitArrayOn[4] = {0B11111011, 0B11110111, 0B11101111, 0B11011111};

//Blinking animation: segment-E, segment-D, segment-C, segment-G, segment-F, segment-A, segment-B, segment-G
int blinkingArray[8] = {0B00100000, 0B00010000, 0B00001000, 0B10000000, 0B01000000, 0B00000010, 0B00000100, 0B10000000};

long number = 0;
int recentTime;
int digit1, digit2, digit3, digit4;
int isCounting = 0;
int isButtonDown = 0;

void startTimer();
void stopTimer();
void choseDigit(int x);
void showNumberOnDisplay(int x);
void blinkingAnimation();

int main()

  DDRC = 0; // För knappen -->> alt. DDRC&= ~(1 << PC0);
  DDRD = 255;
  DDRB = 0B00111100; //DDRB = 28; -->> detta är för Displayerna


  while (1)
    if (isCounting == 1)

      if (isButtonDown == 0)  //Button has not been pressed before
        isButtonDown = 1;
        if (isCounting == 0)
        isCounting = 0;
      isButtonDown = 0;  //Button has been released


  return 0;

void startTimer()
  PORTD = 0B00000000;                   //Turn ALL segments off
  choseDigit(1);                        //Turn Display 1 on
  showNumberOnDisplay((number / 1000)); //Get value of thousand
  _delay_ms(2.3);                       //Delay 1 ms

  PORTD = 0B00000000;                         //Turn ALL segments off
  choseDigit(2);                              //Turn Display 2 on
  showNumberOnDisplay((number % 1000) / 100); //Get value of hundred
  _delay_ms(2.3);                             //Delay 1 ms

  PORTD = 0B00000000;                     //Turn ALL segments off
  choseDigit(3);                          //Turn Display 3 on
  showNumberOnDisplay(number % 100 / 10); //Get value of ten
  _delay_ms(2.3);                         //Delay 1 ms

  PORTD = 0B00000000;               //Turn ALL segments off
  choseDigit(4);                    //Turn Display 4 on
  showNumberOnDisplay(number % 10); //Get value of single digit
  _delay_ms(2.3);                   //Delay 1 ms

  if (number > 5999) // Reset number count to 1;
    number = 1;

void stopTimer()
  recentTime = number;
  digit1 = recentTime / 1000;
  digit2 = (recentTime % 1000) / 100;
  digit3 = recentTime % 100 / 10;
  digit4 = recentTime % 10;

    PORTD = 0B00000000;          //Turn ALL segments off
    choseDigit(1);               //Turn Display 1 on
    showNumberOnDisplay(digit1); //Get value of thousand
    _delay_ms(1);                //Delay 1 ms

    PORTD = 0B00000000;          //Turn ALL segments off
    choseDigit(2);               //Turn Display 2 on
    showNumberOnDisplay(digit2); //Get value of hundred
    _delay_ms(1);                //Delay 1 ms

    PORTD = 0B00000000;          //Turn ALL segments off
    choseDigit(3);               //Turn Display 3 on
    showNumberOnDisplay(digit3); //Get value of ten
    _delay_ms(1);                //Delay 1 ms

    PORTD = 0B00000000;          //Turn ALL segments off
    choseDigit(4);               //Turn Display 3 on
    showNumberOnDisplay(digit4); //Get value of single digit
    _delay_ms(1);                //Delay 1 ms

void choseDigit(int x)
  PORTB = 0B11111111;
  switch (x)
  case 1:
    PORTB = digitArrayOn[0]; //Display 1 on

  case 2:
    PORTB = digitArrayOn[1]; //Display 2 on

  case 3:
    PORTB = digitArrayOn[2]; //Display 3 on

  case 4:
    PORTB = digitArrayOn[3]; //Display 4 on

void showNumberOnDisplay(int x)
  switch (x)
  case 1:
    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[1];

  case 2:
    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[2];

  case 3:
    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[3];

  case 4:
    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[4];

  case 5:
    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[5];

  case 6:
    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[6];

  case 7:
    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[7];

  case 8:
    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[8];

  case 9:
    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[9];

    PORTD = segmentNumberArray[0];

void blinkingAnimation()
  PORTB = digitArrayOn[4];
  //Random wait time:
  int randomWaitTime = rand() % 10 + 3; //Calls random number between 3-10 seconds

  for (int i = 0; i < randomWaitTime; i++)
    //Blink animation:
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
      PORTD = blinkingArray[i];
  number = 0;
  isCounting = 1;

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