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Scala, Akka-http - how to handle dynamic number of parameters?

I have a simple Akka routes:

    pathPrefix("api/games") {
      parameters("id".as[String].optional, "name".as[String].optional, "type".as[String].optional ...) { (id, name, type) => { 
       get {...}

The problem is - I can have different number of optional parameters here. I do not want to pass all of them, because client can send different params. What is the best way to handle them dynamically (based on number of params) in akka-http?

I thought I can add all of them to list and check which are not None :

val params = List(id, name, type ...) 

But I think it is very naive.

parameterMap may be helpful in your case. It extracts all parameters as Map[String, String] . Or parameterMultiMap if some parameter may repeat.

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