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TypeScript function passes type check when not expected to

I have a function identityOrCall that either calls the function given to it, or returns the value. value is a generic type.

function identityOrCall <T>(value: T): T {
  if (typeof value === 'function')
    return value()
    return value

identityOrCall(() => 'x') // -> 'x'

The line identityOrCall(() => 'x') appears to pass the compiler's type checking.

Why? Shouldn't it give an error?

If identityOrCall is passed a function, I would expect the generic type T to be set to Function and that identityOrCall should return a Function type.

Instead I'm able to pass a Function type as an argument and have identityOrCall return a string type.

Why is this? It appears inconsistent to me, but I must be missing something.

The problem is that, since the function return type is not noted anywhere, TypeScript takes its type to be any . any is not type-safe; it's assignable to anything. Here, TS extracts T from the any return value (since any can be narrowed down to T).

Best to avoid types of any whenever possible. I like using TSLint's no-unsafe-any which forbids this sort of thing.

For similar reasons, the following does not throw a TypeScript error (and is prohibited using the above linting rule), even though it's clearly unsafe:

declare const fn: () => any;
function identityOrCall<T>(value: T): T {
    return fn();

const result = identityOrCall(() => 'x') // -> 'x'
// result is typed as: () => 'x'. Huh?

If the goal is to have a method behave differently based on the parameters I think the easiest way is to specify overloads

function identityOrCall<T>(value: () => T): T;
function identityOrCall<T>(value: T): T;

function identityOrCall <T>(value: () => T|T): T {
  if (typeof value === 'function')
    return value()
    return value

const result = identityOrCall(() => 'x') // first overload
const result2 = identityOrCall('x') // second overload

result.split(' ');  // No error
result2.split(' '); // No error
result(); // error not callable

When calling the method TS will resolve the signature by going through the overloads until it finds one which matches (meaning order of defining overloads matters here).

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