python/ amazon-web-services/ amazon-dynamodb/ boto3

The format of my data looks like this

  ID:'some uuid'
  Content:' some content'

The partition key is ID and the sort key is Email I created a secondary index of email which is "email_index" if I only want to query by Email, Now I want to query data both by Email and by a specific tag For example I want to find all data that Email='' and Tags contains 'tag2', I want to first query by "email_index"


then scan the result with Attr('Tags').contains('tag2') So is it possible to do both at the same time? Or I have to write a loop to filter query results in Python?

Tags can be a tricky use case for DynamoDB.

One option is to use a FilterExpression on your query operation

            FilterExpression: 'contains(Tags, :tag)',
                ':tag': 'tag1'

Another option, as you've outlined, is to do the check in your application code.

If this isn't flexible enough for your use case, you may want to look into a more robust search solution like Elasticsearch.


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