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how do you retrieve a auto generated id to delete data in firebase

Im trying to delete this data in the app but im not sure how to retrieve the uid of the one i need to delete:

so the first id is the current users id but how do i get the next unique id fo i can delete the records "test" and "Apple"

this is how i upload the data to the database:

var currentUid = mAuth.currentUser?.uid
val myRef = database.getReference("Users")
val myRefCategory = myRef.child(currentUid!!).child("Following")

  fun sendDataToDatabase(category: String) {



how do i get the "MLt1lk1wtyvqLtQGZRF" and "MLt1bpUmJmAkjz_7tGN"?


The key you're looking for is in the DatabaseReference returned by push() .

val ref = myRefCategory.push()
val key = ref.key  // this is your key

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