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Error during migration process using GCP's Database Migration Service for MySQL

I'm receiving the following error during migration process using GCP Database Migration Service for MySQL:

failed to run mysqldump: import err = generic::unknown: exit status 1 ERROR 1045 (28000) at line 46092: Access denied for user 'cloudsqlimport'@'' (using password: NO), mysqldump error = exit status 5, stderr: mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. mysqldump: Got errno 2 on write

How can I solve that?

Katayoon was right in her comment ! I didn't create a user that was on DEFINER in the replica database!

For reference: https://cloud.google.com/database-migration/docs/mysql/mysql-definer

One solution is to do the migration manually.

Run mysqldump yourself to a file.

Then load this text file back into the new database.

Check out this blog .

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