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Get a specific text from a text file using batch

I've got a text file named 'Settings.txt' Within the file I have “Access: False” Am I able to grab the text after 'Access:' to see what they have inputted?

Here is what I have tried:

for /f "token=2 delims=:" %%L in (Settings.txt) do (if %%L==True goto Start ELSE FALSE goto Fail ) 

You can incorporate findstr and also you did not use else correctly.

for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %%i in ('type "settings.txt" ^| findstr /i "Access:"') do (
   if /i "%%i" == "True" (
     goto :start
   ) else (
     goto :fail

Obviously there are easier ways, this example does not need else it will fall through to start if the value is True else it will skip that label and goto fail label:

for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %%i in ('type "settings.txt" ^| findstr /i "Access:"') do if /i not "%%i" == "True" goto :fail
echo do start stuff here:
goto :eof
echo do fail stuff here

You will need to check for the word Access (unless there is only one line in Settings.txt ), to add the SPACE behind the : to the list of delimiters, and you will need to adapt the if syntax and probably make it case-insensitive ( /I ):

for /F "usebackq tokens=1* delims=: " %%K in ("Settings.txt") do (
    if /I "%%K"=="Access" if /I "%%L"=="True" (goto Start) else if /I "%%L"=="False" (goto Fail)

Which can be rewritten as this (to make the if blocks more obvious):

for /F "usebackq tokens=1* delims=: " %%K in ("Settings.txt") do (
    if /I "%%K"=="Access" (
        if /I "%%L"=="True" (
            goto Start
        ) else (
            if /I "%%L"=="False" (
                goto Fail

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