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Apache Tomcat SSL Http11AprProtocol Connector

I am working on Link-OS web-service with self-signed CA.

I followed this to create a self-signed CA

I deployed the printer server by following these instructions https://github.com/ZebraDevs/LinkOS-Webservices-Samples

Whenever I add this part to server.xml , no page will work including localhost:8080 although the server is running without showing or throwing errors or exceptions.

     SSLEnabled="true" SSLProtocol="TLSv1+TLSv1.1+TLSv1.2"  
     maxThreads="200" port="8443" SSLVerifyClient="optional"
     scheme="https" secure="true"

what could go wrong with these steps? I have followed them step by step

I am using:

  • Java 8
  • Tomcat 7
  • APR 1.7

following this solution will make the server works fine, but it won't work with the printers, so it is not what I am looking for.

You used an APR Connector here. ( protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol" )

APR implementation needs Apache Portable Runtime (APR) and Tomcat Native library.

You can install them with these commands:

apt install libtcnative-1
apt install libapr1-dev libssl-dev

or if either package is not found, try this answer .

I think you should implement cert-sign certification without APR, because an APR connector needs extra libraries. İf you want, try these instructions .

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