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How to redirect my application to https directly on Heroku?

I have an application where I need to secure it with https. I have certificate on Heroku(paid version and certificate is automatically managed) and also, it writes that my app can be found at https://www.minibrocki.ch . But also, when I write name of my application in browser it gives me without https. I don't want that, I want to every time goes to https(force redirection to https). So, my question is, can I do that directly on Heroku and If I can, how to do that? Here is screenshot of my Heroku settings:

This is when I have just one domain:


And this happens when I want to insert new domain:


Heroku answered that very nicely in their documentation for each environment: Can Heroku force an application to use SSL/TLS? - Yes it can

If you want to take a deeper look into opportunities to configure Custom Domain Names for Apps Custom Domain Names for Apps

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