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Changing the colour of specific list elements SwiftUI

I have a list of 'players' in my app, and I want to some of them to have a different background colour depending on their properties.

Every Player object has a .active property that is either true or false. Depending on this value I want the background of that row to be a light grey rather than the white of the others. How would I do this? I was hoping it would be as simple as:

List(homeTeam.players) {player in
        Text("\(player.shirtNumber) - \(player.playerName)")

It is possible to achieve with listRowBackground modifier (but you need to use ForEach instead of List directly).

List {
   ForEach(homeTeam.players) {player in
        Text("\(player.shirtNumber) - \(player.playerName)")
      .listRowBackground(player.active ? Color(UIColor.lightGray) : 

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