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Sending info and variables between Client-Side and Server-Side

so I have an express.js server, I don't quite understand how I can send and receive

I have (for example) an input for someone to write his email , I want the email to be sent to the server, validated, and then an email function sends an email to that user, However, my issue is that I don't know how to pass the email variable from client to the server, and I don't know how to trigger the email function as soon as the server validates the email either.

The only thing that I know to do with an express server is just routing Pages from. I tried AJAX but I think that's overkill because I don't understand it well and because its made to load data in a website without a reload so it has different kind of purpose.

On the client side there will be a form. That form will have an input field for the email address that should have some name name/id. When the form is submitted, that name id will be a part of the request object's body. Here's a link with more info

Lets say your form is something like this:

<form action="/subscribe" method="post">
<input type="text" name="email"/>
<input type="submit" />

In your express server you'd do something like this:

  // I would do email validations client side to but if you
  // want to do server side send some html saying the email is invalid
  //I assume you have some script for sending email. I'll use nodemailer cuz its the first
  //module I found
  let sender = 'emailbot@website.com'
  let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
  let mailOptions = {
    from: sender,
    to: req.body.email,
    subject:'New sign up',
    text:'Thanks for subscribing'
      // do somehting
      console.log('Sent new user email')

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