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NestJs: Validating array of objects using class-validator

I am trying to enforce a validation on each item of an array.

As per my understanding (please correct me if I am wrong), class-validator does not support direct validation of arrays. It requires us to create a wrapper class.

So, the following are the classes:

export class SequenceQuery {   
    @MinLength(10, {
        message: 'collection name is too short',
    collection: string;
    identifier: string;
    count: number;
export class SequenceQueries{
    @ValidateNested({ each: true })

And the following is my controller:

  async getSequence(@Body() query:SequenceQueries) {
    return await this.sequenceService.getNextSequenceNew(query)

The following is the JSON that I am passing to the controller:

{"queries":  [
        "collection": "A",
        "identifier": "abc",
        "count": 1
        "collection": "B",
        "identifier": "mno",
        "count": 5
        "collection": "C",
        "identifier": "xyz",
        "count": 25

But it doesn't seem to be working. It's not throwing any validation messages.

I got the solution to the problem.

I was supposed to change my wrapper class to:

export class SequenceQueries{
    @ValidateNested({ each: true })
    @Type(() => SequenceQuery) // added @Type

But I will leave the question open, just in case someone has an alternate solution as in not having to make a wrapper class.

class-validator does support array validation you have just to add what you already did in @ValidateNested( { each: true } ), you have only to add each to the collection element:

export class SequenceQuery {   
@MinLength(10, {
    each: true,
    message: 'collection name is too short',
collection: string;
identifier: string;
count: number;


source : Validation Array

There is my complete solution/implementation in Nestjs

  1. First create my DTO Class
export class WebhookDto {
  type: string;

  url: string;

  active: boolean;

export class WebhookDtoArray {
  @ValidateNested({ each: true })
  @Type(() => WebhookDto)
  webhooks: WebhookDto[];
  1. Place my DTO Class in my Controller definition
  async setWebhooks(
    @Payload('body') webhookDtoArray: WebhookDtoArray,
    @Payload() data,
  ): Promise<Store> {
    return this.storeManagementService.setWebhooks(
  1. An example in Postman of what the Body I should send
  "webhooks": [{
      "type": "InvoiceCreated",
      "url": "https://test.free.beeceptor.com",
      "active": true
      "type": "InvoiceSettled",
      "url": "https://test.free.beeceptor.com",
      "active": true
      "type": "InvoiceExpired",
      "url": "https://test.free.beeceptor.com",
      "active": true

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