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component to play multiple audio files at the same time (on click) Aframe webVR

I am trying to find a way to reproduce the effect of having all my sound files in my A-frame vr project autoplay once the scene loads, but with an on-window-click function so that they are able to work on browsers that do not allow autoplay / require user interaction

i'm sure the solution is pretty simple but I have tried for quite a few hours and can't seem to find a solution online including stack anywhere. when I try to follow tutorials such as this, I can't get them to work:

Play sound on click in A-Frame

Autoplaying videosphere from A-frame is not working on any browser(Safari/Chrome)

in my html i have something like this (but with about 10 sound files and 10 models in total):

   <a-asset-item id="logo" src="code/to/gltf"></a-asset-item> 
   <a-asset-item id="logo" src="code/to/gltf"></a-asset-item> 
   <audio id="track" src="code/to/audio" crossOrigin="anonymous"></audio> 
   <audio id="track" src="code/to/audio" crossOrigin="anonymous"></audio> 


  src: #track;
  loop: true;
  volume: 0.05;
  distanceModel: inverse;
  refDistance: 1000"

  position="0 1.5 -2.5" 
  rotation="90 0 0"
  scale="0.4 0.4 0.4"


     navigate-on-click="url: bink.html"

     src: #binkaudio;
     loop: true;
     volume: 1;
     distanceModel: inverse;
     refDistance: 10"
     position="-2.93 1.5 6" 
     rotation="90 149 0"
     scale="0.4 0.4 0.4"

then in a separate js file linked into the html I have this

 AFRAME.registerComponent('play-audio', {
   init: function () {
     this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this);
   play: function () {
     window.addEventListener('click', this.onClick);
   // pause: function () {
   //   window.removeEventListener('click', this.onClick);
   // },
   onClick: function (evt) {
      var sceneEl = document.querySelector('a-scene')
      var entity = sceneEl.querySelectorAll('[sounds]');


I keep recieveing this error message

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'sound' of undefined
    at i.onClick (audiohandler.js:109)
    at HTMLElement.emit (a-node.js:263)
    at i.twoWayEmit (cursor.js:415)
    at i.onCursorUp (cursor.js:271)
    at HTMLCanvasElement.<anonymous> (bind.js:12)


this was the final solution thank you !!!

AFRAME.registerComponent('play-audio', {
  init: function () {
    this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this);
  play: function () {
    window.addEventListener('click', this.onClick);
  pause: function () {
    window.removeEventListener('click', this.onClick);
  onClick: function (evt) {
   let entity = document.querySelectorAll('[sound]');
    for (let item of entity) {

If you want to grab all nodes that have the sound component, then you need to change your selector from sounds to sound - document.querySelectorAll('[sound]') .

Also querySelectorAll will return a list of elements, so You have to iterate through them:

for (let item of list) {

This is fantastic and something I've been trying to figure out for a while. How could we adapt this component so that you had to click on once of the sound entities to start it (instead of clicking anywhere in the scene?)

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