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Blazor eventcallback only executes once when eventcallback is set

In bazor wasm I am making a paginator component, to add pagination to a table component. The paginator component takes an event callback ( PageChanged ) which is executed when the user changes the page.

Here is the view

<div id="paginator-container">
<div id="paginator-controls">
    <button type="button"
            class="btn btn-action"
        <i class="fas fa-angle-double-left"></i>
    <button type="button"
            class="btn btn-action"
        <i class="fas fa-angle-left"></i>
        page @this.CurrentPage of @this.PageCount
    <button class="btn btn-action"
        <i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>
    <button class="btn btn-action"
        <i class="fas fa-angle-double-right"></i>

And the associated code

public partial class Paginator
    public int Lenght { get; set; }

    public EventCallback<InnosysPaginatorContext> PageChanged { get; set; }

    public int PageSize { get; set; } = 50;

    private int CurrentPage { get; set; }

    private int PageCount { get; set; }

    private bool IsFirstPage
        => this.CurrentPage == 1;

    private bool IsLastPage
        => this.CurrentPage == this.PageCount;

    protected override void OnParametersSet()

        this.CurrentPage = 1;


    private void SetPageCount()
        decimal pageCount = (decimal)this.Lenght / this.PageSize;

        if (pageCount != Math.Floor(pageCount))
            pageCount = Math.Floor(pageCount + 1);

        this.PageCount = (int)pageCount;

    private async Task GoToFirstPage()
        => await this.GoToPage(1);

    private async Task GoToPreviousPage()
        => await this.GoToPage(this.CurrentPage - 1);

    private async Task GoToNextPage()
        => await this.GoToPage(this.CurrentPage + 1);

    private async Task GoToLastPage()
        => await this.GoToPage(this.PageCount);

    private Task GoToPage(int pageIndex)
        this.CurrentPage = Math.Clamp(pageIndex, 1, this.PageCount);

        return this.ExecutePageChangedEvent();

    private async Task ExecutePageChangedEvent()
        => await this.PageChanged.InvokeAsync(new InnosysPaginatorContext
            CurrentPage = this.CurrentPage,
            PageSize = this.PageSize

When I use the paginator without setting PageChanged , like this:

<Paginator Lenght="300" />

I can move through the pages just fine.

However, if I set the callback, like this

<Paginator Lenght="300"
       PageChanged="@this.OnPageChangedTest" />

<p>Page: @pageIndex</p>

<p>page size: @pageSize</p>


    int pageIndex = 1;

    int pageSize = 50;

    void OnPageChangedTest(InnosysPaginatorContext innosysPaginatorContext)
        pageIndex = innosysPaginatorContext.CurrentPage;

        pageSize = innosysPaginatorContext.PageSize;


The buttons only work once and I can only get to page 2. Subsequent clicks on the buttons for the next page execute the callback, but the CurrentPage of the paginator is stuck on page 2. Why does this happen?

The issue must be here:

this.CurrentPage = 1; 

is executed whenever OnParametersSet is executed; actually, you don't need to set CurrentPage to 1. And if you need to do it only once, you should do it in the OnInitialized(Async) pair

 protected override void OnParametersSet()

      //  this.CurrentPage = 1;


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