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How to use ember-2-legacy?

We have the post in the documentation for Ember 2.16 about addition deprecation ember-2-legacy :

Ember 2 Legacy until: 3.4 id: ember-2-legacy Ember provides ember-2-legacy which is an addon to help app with deprecations during the transition from the 2.x series to 3.x.


We also have some configuration in README:

In ember-cli-build.js you can specify a config for ember-2-legacy


So, as I understand, if we specify some flag with false , like this:

new EmberApp(defaults, {
  'ember-2-legacy': {
    'enumerable-contains': false

then this particular feature will be off in ember app.

Should my App raise some error or notify me by console warning? In general, I have a case of all flags false and all tests passed, so my question is: is it mean that my application has no those deprecations usage cases?

Shall I keep ember-2-legacy with config in ember-cli-build.js til Ember upgrade 3.0


case with no errors on CI build means that: my App already has no deprecation and I can remove this addon at all?

ember-2-legacy should be installed after you upgrade to 3.0 .

If you have no deprecations on 2.18 you dont need it. But if you for example use Ember.K which is deprecated on 2.18 you can upgrade to 3.0 and use ember-2-legacy with 'ember-k': true without having to remove the Ember.K code.

Which gives you time until ember 3.4 to remove the use of Ember.K .

So installing ember-2-legacy on ember 2.x should not do anything.

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