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in my javascript file, which executes first, initialization code or code in an $(document).ready() event

A project I am working on has some initialization code (not in any function) and some code in a jQuery $(document).ready() event. Which code executes first? Why? I'd also like to know why it might have been written that way? Thanks. For example:

'use strict';
let inputs = [];
function func(){};
function func2(){};
  const a = 1;

The code will execute from the top down: 'use strict'; executes first, followed by let inputs = []; , etc.

Note that executing your function definitions function func(){}; and function func2(){}; don't actually call the functions at that point.

Once the document has loaded, it calls the anonymous function passed to $(document).ready() which executes const a = 1; and finally calls func2(); .

The ready() method is used to make a function available after the document is loaded. Whatever code you write inside the $(document ).ready() method will run once the page DOM is ready to execute JavaScript code.

In this code fun2() will call first after the document is loaded.

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