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How to save a file in a variable in SwiftUI 2

I have got the URL of a file using file importer. Now I want to store the file in a variable so that I can send it to the server.

.fileImporter(isPresented: $openfile, allowedContentTypes: [.audio,.pdf,.png, .text, .jpeg], allowsMultipleSelection: false) { (res) in
                let fileURL = try res.get()
                //getting file name
                self.fileName = fileURL.last?.lastPathComponent ?? "File Uplaoded"
                print("Error reading docs")

How can I save the file in a variable from the fileURL?

The stackoverflow answer shows you how to go about getting the file content. You have to adapt the answer to your code, something like:

 var fileData: Data?
 .fileImporter(isPresented: $openfile, allowedContentTypes: [.audio,.pdf,.png, .text, .jpeg], allowsMultipleSelection: false) { (res) in           
            let fileURL = try res.get()
            if let url = fileURL.first {
                fileName = url.lastPathComponent
                fileData = try Data(contentsOf: url)
                print("\n fileName: \(fileName) \n url: \(url) \n fileData: \(fileData)")
            print("Error reading docs")

Then you can use fileData to send to the server.

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