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Unable to parse JSON response from SQS in Lambda node.js function

I am trying to get some data via Webhook into lambda function using API Gateway and SQS. This Webhook contains a JSON payload, and HTTP headers that provide context. Since there is no way to get these webhook HTTP headers from API Gateway to SQS using "Action=SendMessage" in Mapping template (correct me if my assumption is wrong...I have tried http headers in method request and integration request), I have included the headers from webhook in the API Gateway mapping template as follows:

"Header1":"$input.params('Header1 key')",

My code in Lambda function is as follows:

'use strict';

exports.handler = async function(event, context) {

if (event.Records) {
    event.Records.forEach(record => {
      var rec = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(record.body));
      console.log("Record body: " + rec);

      console.log("Header1: " + rec.Header1);
  return {};

The value of 'rec' in CloudWatch log is rather quite long but here is the simplified version:

Record body: {
"Header1":" OYqmDnuUpDs8oF1RwoBnJywBY6c1I4qLklU=",

My question - how can I read the values of Header1 and body? I have tried rec.Header1, rec[0].Header1 and rec["Header1"] etc. and I get "Undefined" in all the cases. Thanks.

The body is already stringified. You need to simply call JSON.parse(record.body) to parse the string to valid JSON. Note that this could throw an error.

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