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Multiple criteria Countif unable to match due to date range, importrange

I am attempting to build a live dashboard for our lovely mechanics to see how many services they have completed in a day. The majority of the time it will be used to only show services from a certain mechanic on today's date, however I would like to be able to change the date it shows date for and so would like to be able to grab that criteria from a certain cell in sheet. My current thinking is that the dashboard would have a formula like this:


D1 is where i can put in the date. C7 is where the mechanics name is held. My thinking is that this is not working as the data is populated using a google form. This google form records a timestamp in the following way '3/13/2020 12:09:56' Meaning that It will only match this data if the exact same time matches. Is there a way to make it search for ALL records on a date instead of all from a precise time? Thanks for reading!

I was able to remove the time from the google forms output by adding and extra column and using this formula =TO_DATE(DATEVALUE(B805)) B805 is filled by the time stamp from the google form I then made my formula search for the info in the new colum with the above in each cell. It worked: :)

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