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Discord.py bot delete its message upon reaction add by user

So I have made a suggestion command using discord.py and here is the current code:

async def suggest(ctx, *, args):
    await ctx.message.add_reaction("🗑️")
    channel1 = client.get_channel(channel_id)
    embed = discord.Embed(title = "Suggestion from: " + ctx.author.name, color = 1752220)
    embed.set_author(name = ctx.author.name, icon_url = ctx.author.avatar_url)
    embed.add_field(name = "Author's Suggestion:", value = args)
    msg = await channel1.send(embed = embed)
    await msg.add_reaction("⬆")
    await msg.add_reaction("⬇") 

So when someone types.suggest it sends the embed and added the poll reactions to it in the dedicated channel and also adds a dustbin reaction to the command usage message.

Now I want that when someone reacts on that dustbin emoji then the bot should delete the embedded suggestion but I can't make it do that.

Please help me for the same...

So I have made a suggestion command using discord.py and here is the current code:

async def suggest(ctx, *, args):
    await ctx.message.add_reaction("🗑️")
    channel1 = client.get_channel(channel_id)
    embed = discord.Embed(title = "Suggestion from: " + ctx.author.name, color = 1752220)
    embed.set_author(name = ctx.author.name, icon_url = ctx.author.avatar_url)
    embed.add_field(name = "Author's Suggestion:", value = args)
    msg = await channel1.send(embed = embed)
    await msg.add_reaction("⬆")
    await msg.add_reaction("⬇") 

So when someone types.suggest it sends the embed and added the poll reactions to it in the dedicated channel and also adds a dustbin reaction to the command usage message.

Now I want that when someone reacts on that dustbin emoji then the bot should delete the embedded suggestion but I can't make it do that.

Please help me for the same...

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