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TailwindCSS autocompletion in PhpStorm not working

I just updated PhpStorm to version 2020.3 which now supports autocompletion for Tailwind CSS. But in my new updated version it isn't working and can't figure out why.

In html, blade and css files, there is no autocompletion for Tailwind CSS.

Do I have this enable somewhere? Why isn't it working?

Looks like there is an bug when using npm installer and when you are using version npm:@tailwindcss/postcss7-compat@^2.0.1 of tailwind.

source https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-48473

My solution: delete node_modules and use yarn install

if you are using a node version manager check that your project Language & Frameworks configuration for Node.js and NPM is actually using the same node version where you installed tailwind and postCSS packages

To fix the problem, update to version 2021.3.1. Do not look for another solution because it does not exist enter image description here

I solved by downloading the tailwindcss library.



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