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Ajax : How/ Is it possible to parse a '.html(response)'

so am making this chat, and am trying to add functionalities. SO far, I have here is what i achieved.

I have a function that displays messages.

function displayMessages()

this function is called every second


the content of the 'reponse' is generated in php.

foreach($messages as $chat_msg)
        echo '<span style="color:#'.$chat_msg['color'].';">['.$chat_msg['user_name'].']:'.$chat_msg['txt'].' </span><br>';              

so i build a function that play sound: playsound(file). I initially wanted to attach it to the function displayMessages()...

function displayMessages()

        playSound ("send_message");


...but of course, that plays the sound at each refresh, having a new message or not. So,to fix it, i thought of adding on the php sidee, a code that triggers the sounds if a new message was posted: "ex:

echo $playsoundtrigger="playsound";

but then i have no clue, on what to do next. how can i parse response, so the ajax break down the html on 1 side and the $playsoundtrigger on the other? something along the line i would have approach like this if it was php:

if ($triger){

I look for a parse function in ajax, but all reference i could find was to parse json... any solution? or hint on a logic to address my problem?

Note: I looked, and find that ajax, could tell me if the content has changed, based on his side, but I do not want to go this way, as I would like in the long run, to adapt the sounds on the message:)

thank you

Polling your server on every second... Hm... you are essentially DDOS ing your own server. I think web sockets are what you need. But don't know much about it.

As for your answer, you could actually use json, then build the nodes from browser.


$data = [];

foreach ($messages as $chat_msg) {
   $data[] = [
        'color' => $chat_msg['color'],
        'user_name' => $chat_msg['user_name'],
        'txt' => $chat_msg['txt']

echo json_encode([
    'trigger' => 1
    'data' => $data

and in your js

function displayMessages()
        function(res) {
            var html = '';
            res.data.foreach(function(msg) {
                html += '<span style="color:#' + msg.color + ';">[' + msg.user_name + ']:' + msg.txt + '</span><br>';
            if(res.trigger) {
                 playSound ("send_message");

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