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VS CODE, how run python in OS terminal ? (Shell or CMD)

I'm programming (i try) in python with VS code. On Windows and linux.

When i write a script an try to launch it, either on windows and linux the output is in a integrated terminal on vs code the bottom of the windows.

My question is, when i press CTRL+F5 its possible to run my script automatcly on a CMD terminal if i'm in windows and a Shell terminal if i'm in linux? ( Open a new Terminal windows like Microsoft Visual Studio comunity )

i don't like the integrated terminal, and i prefere the OS terminal.

Thanks !

In VSCode, we can set the output mode of debugging Python. VSCode uses the internal terminal " integratedTerminal " by default, (" Python Debug Console ").

For example, please use "console": "externalTerminal", in " launch.json " to set the output mode of debugging to VSCode's external terminal, that is, the cmd terminal of windows,then press Ctrl+F5 to debug the code:


Reference: Debug console in VSCode .

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