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Vertx - How to pass ArrayList to SELECT query with IN

I have a SELECT statement like SELECT * FROM table where id=? and key IN (?,?..?) SELECT * FROM table where id=? and key IN (?,?..?) . For INSERT,UPDATE we have this batchWithParams, how can I do this for SELECT. I am using JDBC driver for MySQL database. The array list is like so,

 BATCH [[100,4,11], [150,4,12]]

Why not just convert the ArrayList into String? Like this:

 suspend fun getUsersByEmail(emails: Iterable<String>): List<User> {
    return mysqlPool.getConnectionAwait().use { conn ->
                SELECT * FROM users
                WHERE email IN (${emails.joinToString(separator = ", ") { "'$it'" }})
        ).executeAwait().map { row ->

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