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Why can't I modify the response of this post request via jQuery?

So I have a login form, that when submitted will redirect to the homepage / .

I would like the form to have the same behaviour except that when I receive the response back from the server, which comes in the form of HTML data, I can modify that HTML data so that after the redirect occurs, the homepage will show the modified HTML:

$(#login-form).submit(function(event) {
  var $form = $(this);
  var user = $("#username").val();
  var passwd = $("#password").val();
  var url = $form.attr("action");
  var posting = $.post(url, { username: user, password: passwd });
  posting.done(function(data) {

In the above snippet of code, when say user111 logs in, then there's a span tag <span id="logged-user"></span> that displays the name of the logged in user.

However, when I try to manipulate this span tag so it shows the name of a different user via $(data).find("#logged-user").text("user777"); it doesn't work. Why?

Try this:

posting.done(function(data) {
  var tmp = $('<div>' + data + '</div>');   // Create a temporary DOM
  tmp.find("#logged-user").text("user777"); // Modify it
  $('html').html( tmp.html() );             // Get its HTML, and use it

or simply:

posting.done(function(data) {

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