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Getting System.Exception 0:

I have a method that seems to be throwing a "System.Excpetion 0: " without any message. This exception is happening in the production code as seen from the logs but I can't replicate it so far in my local environment. Looks like it comes from RestSharp RestClient(string url) where I've tried an invalid url and a correct url but nothing has replicated such exception yet.

endpoint.url is just a string to hold the base url endpoint.endpoint is remaining part of the url for the get endpoint i want to hit endpoint.basicAuth

stack trace says it comes from line 238:

        238: var client = new RestClient(endpoint.url);
        var request = new RestRequest(endpoint.endpoint, Method.GET);
        request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(": " + endpoint.basicAuthToken)));

        var response = client.Execute(request);

        if(response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
            throw new Exception(message: response.StatusCode.ToString());

        string contentString = response.Content.ToString();

A client.Execute(request) with a invalid url is getting {"The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly."} therefore the IRestReponse returned has a StatusCode property of 0 and when catching this exception to print out its excpetion message 'throw new Exception(message: response.StatusCode.ToString());' it writes what I'm seeeig of "System.Exception: 0"

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