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How can I keybind Ctrl-C to vi-kill-line only when in viins mode?

What I want to achieve is to bind Ctrl-C to clearing the line without issuing a newline ( à la ipython) only when editing the command line, while keeping Ctrl-C as the interrupt signal triggerer when a command is running. I'm using bindkey -v , ie vi-mode line editing, but I believe it's not relevant.

As a side note, I wish this feature will not create situations where Ctrl-C would not interrupt a running command.

I'm digging into this on my spare time, so I'll be interested in any clues. If I find something robust enough I'll post it as an answer indeed.

Any function named TRAPINT inside your.zshrc will trap interrupt signals sent by Ctrl-C. Inside there, you will want to test if you are in insert mode, which can be achieved by testing the ${KEYMAP} variable. If it isn't, you should pass the return value of the parent process (see this answer for a hint on this). This leads us to the following snippet:

    if [[ "${KEYMAP}" = "viins" -o "${KEYMAP}" = "main" ]]; then
        zle kill-whole-line
        return ${128+$1}

This will work if you use vi-mode line editing. It should also catch emacs-mode, where KEYMAP should be set to main , although I did not test this specific use case.

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