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How to process different tuples in the same bolt (Storm)

I have 2 Storm Bolts that emit different Values (defined be the declareOutputFields)


    declarer.declare(new Fields("id", "bool"));
    basicOutputCollector.emit(new Values(id, true));
    declarer.declare(new Fields("id", "string"));
    basicOutputCollector.emit(new Values(id, "somestring"));

And I want to have a Bolt that functions as a Logger, that logs something if either the boolean value arrives, or the string value arrives.

The (simplified) Topology looks like this:

    var topologyBuilder = new TopologyBuilder();
    topologyBuilder.setBolt(BoolBolt, new BoolBolt()).fieldsGrouping("spout", new Fields("id"));
    topologyBuilder.setBolt(StringBolt, new StringBolt()).fieldsGrouping("spout", new Fields("id"));
    topologyBuilder.setBolt("LoggerBolt", new LoggerBolt())
            .fieldsGrouping("BoolBolt", new Fields("id"));
            .fieldsGrouping("StringBolt", new Fields("id"));
    return topologyBuilder.createTopology();

But if I now try to access the fields in the LoggerBolt, sometimes, the value is a boolean, and sometimes the value is a string because both BoolBolt and StringBolt emit Tuples to the LoggerBolt.

How can I hanlde this?

Eg I would like to print "BOOL" if the Tuple ("id", "bool") arrives at the LoggerBolt and i want to print "STRING" if the Tuple ("id", "string") arrives at the logger.

Is there any possibility to check from what Bold a Tuple was emitted? Or is there anything I can check what Fields the Tuple containes?

And just checking if the tuples value is a String or not is not what I look for, as in example everything could be emitted!!!

Thanks in advance

You can examine the tuple object to find out which component it came from. Try the following in your LoggerBolt:

String from_bolt = tuple.getSourceComponent();
if ("BoolBolt".equals(from_bolt)) {
} else if ("StringBolt".equals(from_bolt)) {

An alternative is to check, if the tuple contains a certain field, this is done with tuple.contains("field_name") . Both methods would work.

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