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Broker Acknowledgement Rabbit MQ in Micronaut 2.2.1 not woking

I am trying to get the Broker Acknowledgement using RabbitMQ in Micronaut.


public class ProductListener {

    public String find(String text) {
        return text.toUpperCase();


@Get(value = "/{text}", single = true)
    public Maybe<String> Find(String text) {
        iproductProducer.find(text).subscribe(item ->{
        return null;


public interface IProductProducer {
    Maybe<String> find(String text);


    public interface IProductProducer {
        Completable find(String text);

As per the documentation

Client methods support two return types, void and a reactive type. If the method returns void, the message will be published and the method will return without acknowledgement. If a reactive type is the return type, a "cold" publisher will be returned that can be subscribed to.

But in the controller System.out.println(item); the acknowledgment never gets.

You aren't looking for broker acknowledgement. You are describing RPC. The documentation clearly states how to set this up. From what I can tell, it seems you are missing @RabbitProperty(name = "replyTo", value = "amq.rabbitmq.reply-to") on the client.

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