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How can I integrate a credential json file with GCP bigquery with nodejs?

I have a file type of json. It is a credential file. I want to integrate with GCP bigquery and access to GCP bigquery using this credential file with Nodejs.

How can I do that? How can integrate with GCP bigquery using credential file in nodejs? How can I test the result of integration to test integration is valid or not?

You probably want the keyFilename attribute, unless I've misunderstood your question.

This GCP doc talks about authenticating using a service account key file.

So if your credentials file lived in /var/my_credentials.json (dumb path but whatever), your Node.js code would look something like this:

const {BigQuery} = require('@google-cloud/bigquery');

const options = {
  keyFilename: '/var/my_credentials.json',
  projectId: 'my_project',

const bigquery = new BigQuery(options);

Also consider: keep the contents of that credentials file in Google Secret Manager and use gcloud secrets versions access latest , dumping the output into a temporary json file local to the script, then remove the temporary json file after it's no longer needed by the script. No need to have credentials floating around on servers.

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