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407 Proxy Authentication error - Unirest Java 8

Hi everyone i'm so hopeless so ask you guys. I'm trying to do a simple HTTP request but with my proxies I get 407 error code. I use Unirest and Java 8.

 Unirest.config().proxy(host, port, usernameProxy, passwordProxy);   
 HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = Unirest.post(url).asJson();
 String body = response.getBody().toString();

That's it, my url is private but i wrote it like this: "https://myurl.com/?param1=param&param2.... It works proxyless but i'm stuck with proxies. Thanks a lot

Seems like the proxy server expects for the proxy credentials within the Headers , which Unirest doesn't seem to propagate.

The header must specifically contain the "Proxy-Authorization" key in order to the handshake be even started.

String proxyCred= "user:password"; 
String baseCred= Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(proxyCred.getBytes());
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.add("Proxy-Authorization", "Basic " + baseCred); // the proxy server needs this

This solution uses the Basic mechanism; It may not work, as the proxy may expect another type of authentication. You'll know which one is by reading the Proxy-Authenticate header within the server's response.

If the communication is not secured ( HTTP and not HTTP S ), you could read the response by sniffing the packet with some tool such as WireShark . Once you locate the 407 packet , you could read inside the Proxy-Authenticate value and modify your authorization method according do it.

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