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Using unittest.mock's patch in same module, getting “does not have the attribute” when patching via “__main__.imported_obj”

I have what should've been a simple task, and it has stumped me for a while. I am trying to patch an object imported into the current module.

Per the answers to Mock patching from/import statement in Python

I should just be able to patch("__main__.imported_obj") . However, this isn't working for me. Please see my below minimal repro (I am running the tests via pytest ):

Minimal Repro

This is run using Python 3.8.6.

from random import random
from unittest.mock import patch

import pytest

def foo():
    with patch("__main__.random"):

def test(foo) -> None:

When I run this code using PyCharm, I get an AttributeError :

AttributeError: <module '__main__' from '/Applications/PyCharm.app/Contents/plugins/python/helpers/pycharm/_jb_pytest_runner.py'> does not have the attribute 'random'

Furthermore, when I enter debugger mode in the line before the with patch , I see the attribute __main__ is not defined. I am not sure if it needs to be defined for patch to work its magic.

NOTE: I know I can use patch.object and it becomes much easier. However, I am trying to figure out how to use patch in this question.


Unable to mock open, even when using the example from the documentation

This question is related because it's both a similar error message and use case. Their solution was to use builtins instead of __main__ , but that's because they were trying to patch a built-in function ( open ).

You are assuming that the module the test is running in is __main__ , but that would only be the case if it were called via main . This is usually the case if you are using unittest . With pytest, the tests live in the module they are defined in.

You have to patch the current module, the name of which is accessible via __name__ , instead of assuming a specific module name:

from random import random
from unittest.mock import patch

import pytest

def foo():
    with patch(__name__ + ".random"):

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