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Using different versions of the same assembly with .net core

In full .net framework, we could use two versions of a same assembly thanks to binding redirection:

like that:

        <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
                <assemblyIdentity name="Castle.Core" publicKeyToken="407dd0808d44fbdc" />
                <codeBase version="" href="v2.1\Castle.Core.dll" />
                <codeBase version="" href="v2.2\Castle.Core.dll" />

source: Using different versions of the same assembly in the same folder

How to do in that with .net core?

I think, that´s not possible at the moment:

Adding a bindingRedirect to a.Net Standard library

Maybe the link will give you some more insights. There it is about .NET Standard as well as .NET Core.

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