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Post Bad Request rest api in python

I am attempting to post some data through REST API in Python.


      "LastModifiedAt": "2020-12-21T20:19:45.335Z",

I am using following code to POST the data.

with open('data.json') as fh:
    data = json.load(fh)
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
response = requests.post('https://myurl.net/api/v1/resource/int_key/endpoint', headers=headers,data=data)

I always get following as response status_code = 400

    "ModelState": {
        "line": [
            "Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: L. Path '', line 0, position 0."
    "Message": "The request is invalid."

How do I debug this? My URL is correct according to API documentation. Why does it return "Bad Request" status code?

I replaced data with json and it worked.

response = requests.post('https://myurl.net/api/v1/resource/int_key/endpoint', headers=headers, json =data)

I used Postman as suggested by AndroidDev to debug this.

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