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Increment ++ Operator overloading in linked list

I want to increment the next node by changing the current = current->next to current++ but it does not work. So I try to use an iterator class to perform operator overloading. But there is a bug, I am not sure what happens here:

struct node{
    int value;
    node *next;

class Iterator{
        Iterator(node *);
        Iterator operator++(int);
        node *point;

    point = NULL;

Iterator::Iterator(node *current){
    point = current;

Iterator Iterator::operator++(int u){
    point = point->next;
    return *this;

and the print is like:

class linkedList{
      void print() const;
      node *first;

void linkedList::print()const{
   node *current = first;
   Iterator p = Iterator(current);

   while(current != NULL){
       cout << current->value << " ";

but it turns out there is a bug

You can't have a loop that half uses a pointer and half uses an iterator. Pick one or the other. For instance with an iterator

Iterator p = Iterator(current);
while (current != Iterator()){
    cout << p->value << " ";

Now this loop means you also have to overload operator!= and operator-> for your iterator. It would also make sense to overload operator== and operator* .

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