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How to find a specific value in the AVL tree and return the Node

public Node search_data_var2(Comparable searchable, Node T){
                return null;

I need to make a method which finds a node with a specific value "searchable" and returns the node "T", when it contains it. If such a value doesn't exist, the function should return "null". I am in trouble however and don't know how to achieve this with a single method. The function above is what I wrote. The problem is that the method can't return Node and null in the same way.

It's not forbidden to use an external function to achieve this, but currently I don't have a good idea how to achieve this.

The problem is that the method can't return Node and null in the same way.

Yes you can, but you need to adapt your code to

public Node search_data_var2(Comparable searchable, Node T){
            if(T.getInfo().compareTo(searchable) > 0){
                return search_data_var2(searchable,T.getLeft()); // <-- add return
            if(T.getInfo().compareTo(searchable) < 0){
                return search_data_var2(searchable,T.getRight()); // <-- add return

return the value that will be returned by the search_data_var2 recursive method call. Btw you should not use T as a variable name, typically such names ( ie, a single capitalize letter) are used for generic types. Moreover, instead of == you should use the compareTo method ( ie, T.getInfo().compareTo(searchable) == 0 ).

Finally, your code might throw a NPE because you are first checking


before actually checking if T.getInfo() is null or if T is null itself. Therefore, you need to rearrange the conditionals, like so:

public Node search_data_var2(Comparable searchable, Node node){
        if(node == null || node.getInfo() == null){
            return null;
            if(node.getInfo().compareTo(searchable) == 0){
                return node;
            else if(node.getInfo().compareTo(searchable) > 0 ){
                return search_data_var2(searchable, node.getLeft());
                return search_data_var2(searchable, node.getRight());

For lookup purposes, an AVL tree is identical to a normal binary search tree.

Your code is almost there! Mostly you just need to add return keywords before your recursive calls.

Here's a few other changes I would also make:

  1. By convention in Java, T is used for generic types. I would rename the node to something more descriptive (like node ).
  2. Instead of checking for referential equality ( == ), I would check for value equality using the compareTo method since you're using compareTo anyway. This allows you to find a desired value without having a reference to it.
  3. I would move the null check to the top of the method to avoid any possibility of a NullPointerException .
public Node search_data_var2(Comparable searchable, Node node) {
    // If node is null, we've run off the end of the tree
    // Therefore, the value is not contained in the tree - return null
    if (node == null || node.getInfo() == null) {
        return null;

    if (node.getInfo().compareTo(searchable) == 0) {
        // This node has info equal to the search condition - return it!
        return node;
    } else if (node.getInfo().compareTo(searchable) > 0) {
        // The sought value must be in the left subtree - start the search again there
        return search_data_var2(searchable, node.getLeft());
    } else if (node.getInfo().compareTo(searchable) < 0) {
        // The sought value must be in the right subtree - start the search again there
        return search_data_var2(searchable, node.getRight());

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