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How to save JSONdata from API-call(GET) to later use for an API-request(PUT)?

This is what i am trying to accomplish:

  1. Use a barcode scanner to scan an item and send a " GET REQUEST " to retrieve json data.
  2. Modify the data with user input (change number, text etc).
  3. Use the modified data/variable to send out a " PUT REQUEST " as httpbody.

I dont know what the best way to accomplish this is, im so lost! Can i somehow return the variable "parameters" out of the function so that i can modify it and send it out with another function?

The below code is not the full code, i removed a big part to make it easier to read. It contains a "get" function, dont know where to go from here.

Thanks for checking it out, just looking for someone to point me in the right direction.

import UIKit
import AVFoundation
import QRCodeReader
import Alamofire

// MARK: - Main
struct Main: Codable {
    let objects: [Object]

// MARK: - Object
struct Object: Codable {
    let inventory: [Inventory]

// MARK: - Inventory
struct Inventory: Codable {
    let coordinates: String


    func test() {
        // MARK: - LOGIN DETAILS
        let headers: HTTPHeaders = [
            .authorization(username: "username", password: "password"),
        // MARK: - API REQUEST
        AF.request("URL LINK", headers: headers).validate().responseJSON { response in
            // MARK: - CHECK FOR ERRORS
            if let error = response.error {
                // MARK: - ERROR MESSAGE
                { let alert = UIAlertController(title: "ERROR", message: "Something went wrong", preferredStyle: .alert)
                alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default, handler: nil))
                self.present(alert, animated: true)}
            // MARK: - PRINT RESPONSE
            if response.response != nil
            {print (response.response!) }
            // MARK: - PRINT DATA
            if response.data != nil
            { print(response.data!)
              let decoder = JSONDecoder()
                let api = try decoder.decode(Main.self, from: response.data!)
                let parameters = [
                        "meta": [
                            "language": "en"
                        "request": [
                             "inventory": [
                                "id": 6534206,
                                "warehouseid": 1,
                                "instock": 3,
                                "threshold": 0,
                                "reserved": 0,
                                "coordinates": "\(api.objects[0].inventory[0].coordinates)",
                                "note": "",
                                "prodno": 25669,
                                "soldout": 0
               catch {
                   print("Error in JSON parsing")

You can use the closure to return the value out of the function. This practice is functional programming, almost using for async function.

func test(completion: ([String: AnyObject]) -> ()) {
    let param = [“meta”: [“language”: “en”],...]

And then, to use it:

test(completion: { param in
    // handle the “param”

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