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How to efficiently insert multiple copy-constructible but not copy-assignable elements in a vector?

I have a type X , which is copy-constructible but not copy assignable

struct X {
    X(const X&);
    X& operator=(const X&) = delete; // !!
    X(X&&) noexcept;
    X& operator=(X&&) noexcept;
    int data = 54;

I have two vectors of 'X': a and b and I want to insert all the contents of b at the front of a :

void add_to_front(std::vector<X>& a, const std::vector<X>& b) {
    a.insert(a.begin(), b.begin(), b.end());

This compiles and works as expected on msvc but fails to compile on clang and gcc. I'm guessing due to poor implementations of libc++ and libstdc++ which need something to compile even though it will never get called (or, worse yet, it will get called?.).

I could write a manual loop to emplace elements of b into a which will produce a correct result, but the complexity of this is a*b instead of a+b, as each call to emplace will shift all elements of a over and over again.

So is there an efficient way to do it?

Live demo can be found here

I must admit that I'm not quite sure whether the poor implementations of libc++ and libstdc++ are the issue. Though, I found a quite simple way to circumvent OPs issue:

#include <vector>

struct X {
    X() = default;
    X(const X&) = default;
    X& operator=(const X&) = delete; // !!
    X(X&&) noexcept = default;
    X& operator=(X&&) noexcept = default;
    int data = 54;

void add_to_front(std::vector<X>& a, const std::vector<X>& b) {
    std::vector<X> b_(b);
    a.insert(a.begin(), std::make_move_iterator(b_.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(b_.end()));

int main()
  std::vector<X> a, b;
  add_to_front(a, b);

This is accepted by

  • clang 11.0.0 -std=c++11 -O2
  • gcc 9.2 -std=c++11 -O2
  • msvc 19.28 /std:c++14 /O2

Live Demo on Compiler Explorer

@Evg had a look into the
Type requirements for std::vector::insert()

In OPs case it's this overload:

 template< class InputIt > iterator insert( const_iterator pos, InputIt first, InputIt last );


  • T must meet the requirements of EmplaceConstructible in order to use overload (4,5).
  • T must meet the requirements of MoveAssignable and MoveInsertable in order to use overload (4). required only if InputIt satisfies LegacyInputIterator but not LegacyForwardIterator.

This should be granted by OPs struct X .

So, to me, it looks like OP is right with the complaints.

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