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Serialize Generics via enum using moshi


Using Moshi, I want to create generic adapter for enum that points to a class I want to use enum type because further down the elements i have complex structure which further boils to different types.

Is it possible to serialize this way via via Moshi?

I tried to make a generic adapter that can handle any type in Attempt but so far I only have the clazz object not the actual T.

Sample Json

  "items": [
      "type": "A",
      "apple": "123 Apples"
      "type": "B",
      "organge": "Banana 12",
      "info": {}
      "type": "C",
      "grapes": "Green",
      "quantity": {
        "inStock": "12",
        "offShelf": "12"

Class Structure

classs FruitResponse(val items: List<FruitTypes>)

@JsonClass(generateAdapter = false)
enum class FruitType(val clazz: Class<*>) {





class FruitsAdapter<T : Enum<*>>(enumType: Class<T>) : JsonAdapter<T>() {

    private val nameStrings: Array<String?>
    private val nameConstantMap: MutableMap<String, T>

    init {
        try {
            val constants = enumType.enumConstants
            nameStrings = arrayOfNulls<String>(constants?.size ?: 0)
            nameConstantMap = LinkedHashMap()
            constants?.forEachIndexed { index, constant ->
                val annotation = enumType.getField(constant.name).getAnnotation(Json::class.java)
                val name = annotation?.name ?: constant.name
                nameConstantMap[name] = constant
                nameStrings[index] = name
        } catch (e: NoSuchFieldException) {
            throw AssertionError("Missing field in ${enumType.name}")

    override fun fromJson(reader: JsonReader): T {
        val name = reader.nextString()
        val constant = nameConstantMap[name]
        if (constant != null) return constant
        throw JsonDataException(
            "Expected one of ${Arrays.asList(*nameStrings)} " +
                "but was $name at path ${reader.path}"

    override fun toJson(writer: JsonWriter, value: T?) {
        val newValue = nameConstantMap.filter { value == it.value }.map { it.key }.firstOrNull()
        if (newValue != null) writer.value(newValue) else writer.nullValue()

// Usage
  val moshiAdapter = Moshi.Builder()

Take a look at PolymorphicJsonAdapterFactory which can be found in moshi-adapters artifact.

There's also moshi-sealed if you want avoid the boilerplate of manually writing a polymorphic adapter.

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