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tkinter - Displaying text on canvas for a certain time period

I am creating GUI with tkinter . (I use tkinter 8.6 , python 3.7.9 , windows 10 )
When the button is clicked, I would like it to display the text "registered" for 2 seconds .

The following code works fine if the *** code block *** is commented out. It just displays the text when the button is clicked.

However, when I run the code with the *** code block *** , it does not even display the text at all when the button is clicked and no error is raised (I also tried root.after(2000, my_canvas.delete(msg)) instead of the *** code block *** , and it's the same.)

What might be the cause of this? Any idea how to fix the issue?


from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import * 
import time

root = Tk()

bg = PhotoImage(file='bg.png')
my_canvas = Canvas(root, width=300, height=185)
my_canvas.pack(fill="both", expand=True)
my_canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=bg, anchor=("nw")) 

def button_click():
    msg = my_canvas.create_text(100, 80, anchor="nw", fill="darkgreen", font=('Meiryo', 10, 'bold'), text="registered")
   #******** code block ***********
   # After 2 seconds, delete the text displayed 
    timeout = 2
    start = time.time()
    while time.time() < start + timeout:
button1 = Button(root, text="register", command=button_click)
button1_window = my_canvas.create_window(120, 100, anchor="nw", window=button1)


You are very very close, you just have the arguments in the wrong place: You need to do this:

root.after(2000, my_canvas.delete, msg)

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