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flask SQL-Alchmey not returning a dictionary while querying

i am doubtful about my code. After looking for hours, was still not able to figure it out.

it's a very simple thing where i am trying to query a table with a given id. Then i want to update the 'name' attribute with the passed name.

But it's giving me an error- TypeError: 'Bucket' object does not support item assignment . it's like its not returning a dictionary

    def put(self, id):
        bucket_to_update = bucket_db.query.get(id)   #### returns <Bucket id> , not dict
        print(bucket_to_update)  # prints the bucket as string

        if not bucket_to_update:
            return {"status": "failure"}, 404

        args = BucketAPI.parser.parse_args()
        name = args.get('name', None)

        bucket_to_update['name'] = name  # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PRODUCES AN ERROR

        return {"status" "success"}, 200

Model - Bucket / bucket_db

"""Bucket model"""
from todo_app import db

class Bucket(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'buckets'

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    id = db.Column(

    name = db.Column(

    items = db.relationship('Item',
                            backref=db.backref('bucket', lazy='joined'),

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<bucket-{}> '.format(self.name)

From the docs and link , it is clearly visible that we can update the details as dictionary , but here its not working.

Erorr logs

    bucket_to_update['name'] = name
   TypeError: 'Bucket' object does not support item assignment

ps- i am creating a Resource class to have different creation/deletion methods using flask-restful

UPDATE (solved)

As pointed on comments and answers, its an object than a dictionary, you should access it as bucket.name=name . Plus I had missed a colon while returning.

I don't have access to my coding environment but I reckon if you do following it should work fine.

    bucket_to_update.name = name

Adding (3) at the end of def put(self, id): , Correct return {"status" "success"}, 200 to return {"status":"success"}, 200

(1) In your class Bucket(db.Model): you define the initialization function __init__ so you override that of the parent class db.Model , so the __init__ function of the parent class will not be invoked.

Therefore, try:

    def __init__(self, name):
        db.Model.__init__(self) ## *** invoke __init__ of the parent class
        self.name = name

(2) to update the modification in bucket_to_update in:

        bucket_to_update['name'] = name  # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PRODUCES AN ERROR

add db.session.add(bucket_to_update) before commit:

        bucket_to_update['name'] = name  # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PRODUCES AN ERROR

looking for your comments.

Good Luck.

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