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Using not equal to in where clause cakephp

Why doesn't this work?

I want to display files which are

  1. available (in my case is = 0)
  2. everyone (Privacy settings which in my case is =1)
  3. Not equal to the author of the file

it doesn't display me anything for which the user that created it, it is supposed to show a file that is within those conditions

it seems like I have a problem within the 'Files.user_id !=' => $auth->user_id but I can't figure out what is wrong with it

$filesTable->find('all')->where(['available' => 0,'Privacy.privacy_id' => 1,'Files.user_id !=' => $auth->user_id])->contain(['Users','Privacy'])->toArray();

Neither of these are being displayed click here

To include null IDs in your query, you need to match on that explicitly:

    'available' => 0,
    'Privacy.privacy_id' => 1,
    'OR' => [
        'Files.user_id !=' => $auth->user_id,
        'Files.user_id IS' => null,

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