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What units for the progress to use for a transcoding converter using ffmpeg - % etc.?

I'm gonna make a converter to h.265 with ffmpeg, based on documentation:http://www.ffmpeg.org/doxygen/trunk/transcoding_8c-example.html I want to add info about the progress, but I have no idea what number I can use to show that, for example in %. Please help. :)

What about offering several variants with a choice with an argument? I think time passed and the estimated time left are more suggestive for than % - for example in order to leave the machine or the window to work and return to check it later.

Also, the current frame rate of the conversion is suggestive, it gives hints eventually for adjusting the bitrate etc. if it's too slow.

So you may measure the time of the encoding so far and try to estimate the frame rate of processing and how much remains.

ffmpeg itself displays current time or current frame from the processed video and the duration of the video.

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