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Facing issue “DiscoveryService: basic error: failed constructing descriptor for chaincodes” while submitting transaction through Nodejs SDK

I am running the Fabric network on the docker swarm. I am able to perform transactions and queries through CLI but facing this issue when invoking the transaction from the NodeJS SDK. I am using the test-network provided in the fabric sample with some additions to it. I am using the default endorsement policies

"message": "DiscoveryService: basic error: failed constructing descriptor for chaincodes:<name:\"basic\" > ",
"stack": "Error: DiscoveryService: basic error: failed constructing descriptor for chaincodes:<name:\"basic\" > \n    at DiscoveryService.send (/usr/src/app/node_modules/fabric-common/lib/DiscoveryService.js:363:11)\n    at async ContractImpl.getDiscoveryHandler (/usr/src/app/node_modules/fabric-network/lib/contract.js:231:13)\n    at async Transaction.submit (/usr/src/app/node_modules/fabric-network/lib/transaction.js:190:43)\n    at async tx (/usr/src/app/tx.js:21:16)\n    at async /usr/src/app/app.js:34:18"}

and the peer logs are

2021-01-08 16:46:44.687 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 0a0 unary call completed grpc.service=discovery.Discovery grpc.method=Discover grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject="CN=fabric-common" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=549.379µs
2021-01-08 16:46:44.731 UTC [discovery] chaincodeQuery -> ERRO 0a1 Failed constructing descriptor for chaincode chaincodes:<name:"basic" > ,: no peer combination can satisfy the endorsement policy

This is my connection profile:

"name": "test-network-org1",
"version": "1.0.0",
"client": {
    "organization": "Org1",
    "connection": {
        "timeout": {
            "peer": {
                "endorser": "300"
"organizations": {
    "Org1MSP": {
        "mspid": "Org1MSP",
        "peers": [
        "certificateAuthorities": [
"peers": {
    "peer0.org1.example.com": {
        "url": "grpcs://peer0.org1.example.com:7051",
        "tlsCACerts": {
        "grpcOptions": {
            "ssl-target-name-override": "peer0.org1.example.com",
            "hostnameOverride": "peer0.org1.example.com"
"certificateAuthorities": {
    "ca.org1.example.com": {
        "url": "https://ca.org1.example.com:7054",
        "caName": "ca-org1",
        "tlsCACerts": {
            "pem": [
        "httpOptions": {
            "verify": false


my docker-compose file


This the Nodejs code

const ccp = buildCCPOrg1();

const wallet = await buildWallet(Wallets, walletPath);
const gateway = new Gateway();

await gateway.connect(ccp, {
    identity: request.org1UserId,
    discovery: { enabled: true, asLocalhost: false },
const network = await gateway.getNetwork(request.channelName);

const contract = network.getContract(request.chaincodeName);

var result = await contract.submitTransaction(

I found the solution to this error. In my case, the error was due to anchor peers. When I created the channel and joined the channel, I forgot to update the anchor peers. Since my chaincode was using default endorsement policies(i was having 3 ORGs network) which is AND policy. That's why I was getting this error.

Anchor peers are used for cross-organization communications and my anchor peers were not having the information of other organizations as they were not updated after the channel join.

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