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How to inject Mock after Mockito.Mock()

I've an abstract class with so many methods with business logic. While writing Junits I'm testing abstract class by creating its Mock with Calls to real methods. In my Junit, I don't want to create a concrete class to test abstract class method, because then my Junit test case will get some behavior that I don't want.

I'm using this to achieve a mock to call my abstract class. Mockito.mock(AbstractService.class,Mockito.CALLS_REAL_METHODS)

But my problem is, My abstract class has so many dependencies which are Autowired. Child classes are @component . Now if it was not an abstract class, I would've used @InjectMocks, to inject these mock dependencies. But how to add mock to this instance I crated above.

Simplifies version of code here/

abstract class AbstractService{

       DependencyOne dp1;
        private DependencyOne dp2;

       public void doSometingSpecial(){


My Junit is

class AbstractServiceTest {

        private DependencyOne dp1;
        private DependencyOne dp2;


        void testDirectCall_whenSomething_thenSomerhing(){
               AbstractService service =    Mockito.mock(AbstractService.class,Mockito.CALLS_REAL_METHODS);

        //How to inject dep1 and dp2 mock to write junit for doSometingSpecial()

just add inject mock for parent class alone

AbstractService abstractService;

Inside Test method give,

 void testDirectCall_whenSomething_thenSomerhing(){

No need of

AbstractService service =    Mockito.mock(AbstractService.class,Mockito.CALLS_REAL_METHODS);

in import kindly add import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;

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