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How to create files with folder names recursively using script?

I have a folder structure that can have x subfolders, like so:

  • Folder 1
    • Sub-folder 1
    • Sub-folder 2
      • Sub-sub-folder 3
  • Folder 2

I want to create an empty file that has the name of the sub-folders (with.file appended) in their parent folders, as presented here:

  • Folder 1
    • Sub-folder 1.file (newly created file that has the same name as the sister folder)
    • Sub-folder 1
    • Sub-folder 2.file (newly created file that has the same name as the sister folder)
    • Sub-folder 2
      • Sub-sub-folder 3.file (newly created file that has the same name as the sister folder)
      • Sub-sub-folder 3
  • Folder 2

Some folders might have spaces in their names, so I've tried the following but it's not working even though echoing $(dirname $dir)/$dir seems to yield the expected result:


find . -mindepth 1 -type d | while read dir
    touch $(dirname $dir)/$dir.file

What would be the best way to achieve this? Thank you so much in advance!

post updated to try to be clearer

perhaps you could try:

find . -type d | while IFS= read -r d
    ( cd "$d" && cd .. && touch "$(basename "$d").file" ) 

I have tried with awk, check this if its useful for you. I am giving.file for file name

 realpath Fol*/* | awk '{print "touch "$1".file"}' | sh

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